1.Three men do a job in 8 days. How long will 4 men

1.Three men do a job in 8 days. How long will 4 men take to finish the job?

Solution( By Unitary Method) :

Here we have to find out days. Therefore we will keep the days at right side in the statement.

&#x2235 3 men complete the job in 8 days

∴ 1 men complete the job in 3×8 days.

( explanation: one man will take longer to complete the same job, therefore for more days multiplication has been done.)

∴ 4 men complete the job in (3×8)/4

explanation: 4 men will take lesser time to complete the same job in comparison to 1 man, therefore for less days division by 4 has been done.

= 24/4 ,

= 6 days Ans.

1.Three men do a job in 8 days. How long will 4 men
See also  2. if 20 men can complete a job in 4 days. How many men