Sentence by sentence Hindi dictation (IMLA) is compiled in these videos. The videos have been made such that it dose not need help of parents or any other to the learner. This is the first part. It will be continued upto minimum 10 videos
Take a paper and pen. Start listening and writing. Repeat the the video practice two or three time. I am confident that you will get lot of confidence for Hindi writing.
This video is about a diary of a boy ; who landed to Japan by air and expresses his first experience about Japan. It is very interesting. The fourth part will also be taken from this diary.
This Hindi dictation is about a letter written to the principal of a school for scholarship by a students. This dictation have few hard Hindi words. It will help students to learn and get practice for Hindi writing
In this dictation a topic of essay chosen ; which is AIM OF LIFE. You will also be excited to know the fact of these sentences.
This dictation (IMLA) of Hindi is about lucidity of language. Hard words can never be turn an article into an effective creation but the easy understanding of the article can fill life , emotion and attraction in the article.