Mental Math Dozen Concept For Class1 ISCE

is video is particularity for class 1 to clarify them the concept of dozen.
Dozen is the measuring unit of countable think.
1 Dozen=12
Here l am explaining one small event for the student. Suppose you went to the market for buing banana because you like banana. What you tell to the shopkeeper. Will you tell give me 1 kilogram of banana or will you tell give me one pound of banana or what will you say give me few banana . That means there must be a particular unit ; which you need to explain your demand for buying the banana. You can say that give me 1 banana or 2  or like this. But there is a standard units of measurement which is acceptable throughout the world. As the shop keeper or the dealer do the business so they cannot count 1 piece of banana for dealing business. That’s why they use a standard unit of counting things in a lot. And this Dozeni concept is the result of that business relationship.
You can watch this video. This video is with hindi lecture. English lecture video will be loaded soon.

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