The Night We Won the Buick Question Answer for Class 7 | English Literature

By John Grigs

Question 1 :. Mention the details in the story which show that the narrator family was quite poor? …Click for Answer >>
Question 2 : Why was it so important for the narrator to possess a car …? …Click for Answer >>
Question 3 : How did the narrator Joy turn out to be short lived.? …Click for Answer >>
Question 4 : Explain what the narrator means when he says ‘I know now we were never richer than we ever at the moment when dad made that telephone call .? ….Click for Answer >>
Question 5 : Do you think the narrator’s father did the right thing or was he foolish ? …Click for Answer >>

Question 6 :Do you like the ending of the story ? why / why not ? …Click for Answer >>


Answer starts below:

The Night We Won the Buick Question Answer for Class 7

Answer 1: —-

the narrator’s family was poor as they are only family in the whole New York town which did not own a car . They possessed a small two wheeler basket cat cart drawn by an incident ancient pony full stop their house was also mortgage and the father salary as a clerk was not enough because he had to give half office salary to support his ill and poor relatives


Answer 2:

The narrator’s family was the only family in the whole New York town that didn’t own a car . As a teenager , it was a matter of shame and disgrace for the narrator not to purchase one when all other in the towne had a car . That is why it was so important for narrator to possess a car .


Answer 3:

The narrator’s joy of winning the Buick was short- lived because his father who had been declared as the owner of the Buick had decided to inform his boss Jim Kendrick that it was actually he who had won the Buick roadmaster .


Answer 4:

. According to the narrator his mother often consoled him by telling if we had a character coma he had a better part of wealth he used to get irritated and told that it would never buy anything for them . But the moment, when his father did not compromise with honesty for the possession of a mere car though how much expensive it might be, he realises that they could be not more richer than that. Although they were poor by means , they where the richest in character .


Answer 5:

Yes the narrator’s father did the right thing, by informing his boss Jim Kendrick about the Buick Road Master . if he would be lived and kept the car with himself then he would have sent a bad example for his son . Although they would have no richer by means they would have lost their character .


Answer 6:

Yes, I like the ending of the story because the narrator’s father made a good example for narrator by not cheating Jim Kendrick , his Boss . He taught his son a good lesson by informing his boss, Jim Kendrick about the Buick Road Master . He taught that character comes first and then wealth . if would kept the car then he would have sent a bad example for his son. –.


13 thoughts on “The Night We Won the Buick Question Answer for Class 7 | English Literature”

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