My Childhood Question Answer Class 4 ICSE

Question 1.Which line in the lesson tells us that life in those days was simple?

Answer 1. The line that tells us that life in those days was simple , ” The standard of living was then, as a whole, much more simple than it is now.”

Question 2. What did the servants do to save themselves from troubles?

Answer 2.The children were under the rule of the servants . To save themselves from troubles they suppressed their right of free movement.

Question 3. When did the Children complain?

Answer 3.The children never complained for being less properly dressed except when old Niyamat, the tailor, would forget to put a pocket into one of their tunics.

Question 4. Why does the writer say, “Nothing ever came so easily to us”?

Answer 4.The elders of the children used to maintain a distance from them. They were beyond their reach. Children hardly used to spend time with them. So, certain desirable things were obtained by them in difficulty.

Question 5. What was Rabindranath Tagore afraid of?

Answer 5.One of the servant of the author’s house Shyam would put him into a selected spot, tracing a chalk line all round, warned him seriously and threatened him with a uplifted finger of going beyond that ring. The author was afraid of going beyond the ring because of his thoughts regarding SITA who went through troubles due to crossing the ring drawn by Lakshman.

Question 6. Who would squeeze out his wet towy over his head?

Answer 6.One of the neighbors would prevent complete immersion in the water butbe content with only squeezing his wet towel repeatedly over his head.

Question 7. .Once the bathing place was silent, who remained there?

Answer 7.Once the bathing place was silent, ducks would remain there, paddling about after water snails, or by preening their feathers, the livelong day.

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