Learn English Grammar Tenses For class 3

Easy way to learn Tenses in English: Tense Learning is very important for all beginners. Particularly from lower classes the students need attention towards two thing one is Tense and another is Words meaning.
Tense means time. 
Suppose presently you are in class 3. -Present Tense.
Last year you were in class 2 . – Past Tense.
And in next coming year you will be in class 4. – Future Tense.
These videos are in Hindi lecture. Soon video with English Lecture will be posted.
Only one verb (Write) will be used to give lucid understanding for the students. Because it is the verb which gives first indication about tense.
Here “write” verb is used to make sentences of present and past tenses.
Its present or First form is “Write“.
 2nd form (past form) is “Wrote
and Third form or past participle form is “Written“.

Helping verbs of Present tense: is, am, are, does, do, has, have.
Helping verbs of Past tense:was were did had.

Present simple is continued here, because present simple is quite difficult for children.
Understanding singular and plural subject and its combination with other helping verbs.
 Singular subject- 
Pankya (name of a person),
Newyork (Name of a city) ,
He, she, it. (pronoun),
Bird etc.are singular.
Plural subject-
Pankya and Bitthal (name of two person),
Newyork and Delhi (Name of two city) ,
we, they, you  (pronoun),
Birds etc.are Plural.
Examples: He does not write a letter.(Present negative)
Does He write a letter? (Present Interrogative)
He did not write a letter.(Past negative)
Did he write a letter? (Past Interrogative)

 Present Continuous Tense:  He is writing a letter.(singular subject)
 They are writing a letter.(plural subject)
 Past Continuous Tense:  He was writing a letter.(singular subject)
They were writing a letter.(plural subject)

  Perfect Tense
 Present Perfect Tense: He has written a letter.
He has not written a letter. (Negative Sentence)
Has hwritten a letter?(Interrogative)
Past Perfect Tense: He had written a letter.
He had not written a letter.(Negative Sentence)
Had  he written a letter?(Interrogative)
 Keywords: learn english past tense, past tense learn english, how to learn english grammar, english grammar learning, learn english free, free english learning, class 3 tense learning.

3 thoughts on “Learn English Grammar Tenses For class 3”

  1. i am taking help in English grammar with your videos..these are very helpful .but there is one problem that i always face ..In TENSE videos .plz if u tell rules in hindi also..like +
    (present continuous tense=i am writing a letter) then please tell in hindi also…so it can more clear and ease to understand for me

    Actually I'm prepareing for ielts ..firstly i clear my English grammar ..so please solve this problem… ASAP

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