“The Emergence of Zoo” English Literature Question Answer ICSE Class 8

Question 1: Why was the author’s career as an animals collector short lived?

Question 2: ‘However the experience proved invaluable .’ Which experience is the author?

Question 3: What brought about a change in the author’s fortunes?

Question 4 :In brief describe the bizcorre jappening that the author’s mother was subjected?

Question 5:Who was Pythagoras ? Describe the author’s adventure with Pythagoras.?

Question 6: Describe some of the creatures that were a part of the author’s zoo?

Question 7:What was the reason behind the author’s wish to reason behind the author’s wish to?

Question 8: What proof of Durrell’s sense of humour do you find in the text?Cite a few examples?

emergence of zoo question answer

Answer starts below:

Answer 1:Author as an animal collector discovered that most dealers cram twenty creatures into a cage designed for ine . Most of the creatures would die of suffocation . Whatever survived , the dealers increased their price. Author could not indulge in this sort of slave traffic , so his cage were spacious and animals well-cared for . Therefore author lost all his money.

Answer 2: Author was talking about his experience as an animal collector. Author wanted to make his own zoo from his childhood . His experience as an animal collector gave him a wide schooling in the tropies , their illnesses and their peculiar behaviour . It taught him that zoos were not all that it thought then to be.

Answer 3: Author on his elder brother insistence started to write . His first book was a smash hit and all his subsequent books were equally popular . This change his fortune.

Answer 4: One afternoon when no one was around , Chumeley and Lulu the two half grow Chempanzees, had come out of their cage and reached author’s maner house. On hearing a bang on the front door , author’s mother opened it and found the two Cherrpanzees on the front stairs. She did not lose her head but invited the aper in. She made them sit down on a sofa and ofened a large box of chocolates and a tin of biscuits.While the apes were noisily feeding on those , author’s mother phoned the people of the zoo and reported where about of the chimpanzees.

Answer 5:Pythagoras was an enormous and very beautifully reticulated phython. Cleaning Pythagoras cage was a three main job, two to restrain phytagoras and bundle him into a giant cloth basket while the third man cleaned out . One, evening author was passing the reptile house at desk after the zoo had closed ,he heard muffled shout for help imanahim ting from inside . Investigating he found John had done the unforgiveable. He had trying to clean out Pythagoros alone. The great snake had thrown his coil around and bound him immobile .Author’s seized the reptile tail and began to unwind him. The problem was that as fast as he unwound from John, he threw his coil around him. Soon they were both linked as Siamese twins and they both started to shout for for help.Fortunately their cries were heard by a member of the mammal’s staff and with his help they were rescued.

Answer 6: Author’s zoo had a glittering and snakes , tortoises like huge animated walnuts. He had a collection of chocolate brown gorillas , their leader Jumbo was like a sumo-wrestler . There were tapestry of birds , cranes, peasants and flamingoes. There were tamarins and marmosets clad in brown orange and black fur. The Babirusa was the most beautiful ugly animal in the world . The cheetahs sat bold upright in a picture frame of tall grass.

Answer 7:Author had over a thousand animals in collection and ninety percent of them are threatened with extinction.They are threatened primarely by man’s activity. So author built this zoo to provide sanctuary for these animals and save them from getting extinct.

Answer 8:Gerald Durrell was naturalist, conservationist and author who is best remembered for his experiences as an animal collector and zookeeper . The proof of Gerald’s sense of humour in this text are- (I) Gerald Durrell sarcastically said that the neighbours of his system heaved a collective sign of relief when the animals were taken away from his sister’s back garden. (II) Gerald Durrel very funnily tells the story how the two chimps reached his house welcomed by his mother and according to his mother they were more will-behaved then some of the people in the zoo. (III) Gerald Durrel very humorously compared himself and John Hartly with the Siamere twins when both were coiled together by Pythagoras.

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