Question a. With reference to the extract, name the father and the daughter. from the daughter’s questions, what can you conclude about her character?
Answer a.In the given extract the father is the narrator and Mini is the name of the narrator’s daughter. It can be concluded from the daughter’s questions that she is a talkative girl always bursting with questions.
Question b. In the story, there are two fathers. Compare them as far as their professions are concerned.
Answer b.The two fathers in the story are the narrator and Rahmat. The narrator is an author by profession whereas Rahamat is a pedlar who used to bring seasonal goods from his own country.
Question c. Whichis one of the most important traits of the daughter’sn character?How does her father react to?
Answer c.The most important traits of the daughter’s character are that she is talkative and always in questioning mood. The narrator states that his daughter has not wasted a single moment of her life remaining silent.
Question d. What was the father doing when the daughter entered his room? How does the father that he is patient with his daughter?
Answer d.The father had started writing the seventeenth chapter of his novel, the moment his daughter Mini entered the room. The father shows that he is patient with his daughter by listening to her volley of questions without saying anything and later joining her prattle.
Question e. What is the main theme of the story,’The Kabuliwala’?
Answer e.The main theme of Kabuliwala is human relationship that exists on differt levels. The relationship between father and his daughter, represented by the narrator and his daughter, between Kabuliwala and Mini, Kabuliwala and his daughter, mini’s relationship with her mother who is quite protective of her daughter.
2-“A few days later, as I was leaving the house in the morning…….at the loose end of her small sari.”
Question a. Who is the speaker here?Why is he startled to see Mini laughing and talking with the great Kabuliwala?
Answer a.The narrator is the speaker here in the given extract. He was startled to see Mini laughing and talking with Kabuliwala because initially she feared him.
Question b. Who is the Kabuliwala?Describe his appearance.
Answer b.The Kabuliwala was a pedlar, who used to bring dry fruits and other goods from his country, Afghanistan. Kabuliwala was a tall, shabilly dressed Afghan who used to bwear turban on her head.
Question c. Describe the first meeting between Mini and the Kabuliwala.
Answer c.The first meeting between Mini and Kabuliwala happened when she called him to her house.But when Kabuliwala came she got frightened and ran inside.She came only when her father called her out.When she recieved the offer of some raisins and apricots she refused to take them.
Question d. How does Mini overcome her fear of the Kabuliwala?
Answer overcame her fear of Kabuliwala when she was called out from inside the house to meet Kabuliwala.He offered some dry fruits to her.
Question e. How much does the narrator pay to the Kabuliwala for the almonds and raisins given to Mini as gifts?What does the Kabuliwala do with the money?
Answer e.The narrator paid half a rupee to Kabuliwala for almonds and raisins which the pedlar returned back to Mini.
Question f. How does this money cause trouble for the girl?Who saves her from the emerging problem?
Answer f.When Kabuliwala returned the money back paid to him by Mini’s father, Mini mother got annoyed on her without actually confirming the whole matter. Mini was rescued by her father from her mother by taking her out for a walk.
3-“After living for so many years in this world……….she asked me a few pointed questions.”
Question a. What fear is referred to in the extract?
Answer a.Mini’s mother feared the world like a silly woman. She considered that the world is full of htieves, bandits, drunkards, malaria and crockroaches.
Question b. Why is the lady not able to overcome the fear?
Answer b.The lady is not able to overcome the fear because she has been hearing about instances of child abductions, theft and robbery sbout the welfare of her family.
Question c. Why is she full of suspicion about the kabuliwala?
Answer c.Mini’s mother is full of suspicion about Kabuliwala because she has heard tales of child abduction and robbery prevalent in Afghanistan.
Question d. What is her reaction to her daughter’s accepting things from the kabuliwala?
Answer d.The lady was annoyedat her daughter’s act of accepting money from a stranger.She had the fear that Kabuliwalaa was trying to befriend her daughter by giving her gifts.
Question e. What are the’pointed questions’ that the lady asks the narrator?
Answer e.THe’pointed questions’ hurled by lady on the narrator included-“Were there no instances of child abduction?, was not slave trade in practice in Afghanistan? and was it not easy for Kabuliwala to kidnap Mini?”.
Question f. What is the narrator’s response to her doubts? does he succeed in allaying her fear?
Answer f.The narrator had to agree to the doubts of his wife because her doubts were not impossible No he did not exceed in allaying her wife’s fear.
4-“Rahamat was in the midst of hurling abuse in obscene………be going to your in-laws house?”
Question a. Who is the dishonest man?Why is Rahamat hurling abuses at him?
Answer a.The dishonest man was the narrator’s neighbour who had brought a Rampuri shawl from the kabuliwala on credit. Rahmat was hurling abuses at him because when he asked for his payment for the shawl,the man denied having bought a shawl.
Question b. What is the usual exchange referred to in the extract?
Answer b.The usual exchange refers to mini’s questioning Kabuliwala about the contents in his bag.
Question c. What does the Kabuliwala reply to Mini’s question?
Answer c.When Mini asked Kabuliwala if he was going to his in laws house to which he replied he was going right there only.
Question d. What crime is the Kabuliwala charged with?How is he punished for the wrong done?
Answer d.Kabuliwala was charged of murder. He was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment for his crime.
Question e. What time of year is it?Describe the weather?
Answer e.It was the end of winter season. The weather was freezing cold and almost unbearable especially in the morning hours with little warmth after the sunrise.
5-“There was a lotn of hubbub in the house since visitors……. stood before me with a salaam.”
Question a. Whose house is being referred to here?What is the reason for the noise and bustle pervading it?
Answer a.The narrator’s house is being referred to in the extract. The noise and bustle persuading the house is because of the narrator’s daughter wedding.
Question b. Describe briefly the scene at the house.
Answer b.There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the house because of the narrator’s daughter wedding.The visitors were continuously walking in and out. A tent was being put in the courtyard of the house. The sound produced by the chandeliers being put up in the verandah. The wedding music was being played in the house since dawn.
Question c. Describe Rahamat’s physical features at this point of time.
Answer c.Rahmat’s physical features had changed in the eight years he had been in prison.He no longer possessed his long hairand his old vigour.The usual bag he carried on his shoulder was almost missing.
Question d. Why couldn’t the narrator recognise him first?How did he recognise him a little later?
Answer d.The narrator could not recognise him first because his looks had changed from what it used to be eight years ago.He did not have his long hair , his old vigour and the bag on his shoulder. The narrator recognised him from his smile.
Question e. Where has Rahamat come from?How did the narrator treat him?State why the narrator does not like his visit to the house.
Answer e.Rahmat had come from jail after being released from the prison. The narrator was little annoyed with Kabuliwala and asked him to come on some another day.
Question f. What was Rahamat’s reaction to the treatment given to him in the narrator’s house?
Answer f.Rahmat was little hut by the indifferent attitude of the narrator and was stunned on hearing that he would not be able to meet Mini, as she was getting married that day.
6-“Every year Rahamat came to peddle merchandise on the streets of ……..he was a father and so was I.”
Question a. what is referred to as the’ memorabilia of his daughter’ ? Why does the Kabuliwala carry it with himself?
Answer a.The impression of the hand of Kabuliwala’s daughter ona piece of paper, created with burnt charcoal was the memorabilia of his own daughter. Kabuliwala carried it with himself as a mark of love and remeembrance from his daughter.
Question b. What are some of the ‘merchandise’ that the Kabuliwala sells in the streets of Calcutta?
Answer b.The merchandise that was sold by Kabuliwala on the streets of Calcutta included dry fruits like almonds, raisins and apricots.
Question c. What has the Kabuliwala requested of the speaker? Does the speaker accept his request/Give a reason for your opinion.
Answer c.Kabuliwala requested the speaker to hand over the grapes and raisins which he has brought for Mini. The speaker accepted Kabuliwala’s request because he realized a father longing for his daughter and that kabuliwala saw a reflection of his own daughter in Mini.
Question d. Why is the Kabuliwala shocked when MIni finally appears before him?
Answer d.Kabuliwala was shocked when Mini finally appeared before him. it is because the little chirping girl had grown into a young beautiful girl and was dressed up like a bride.
Question e. What realisation dawns upon the Kabuliwala when he sees Mini?
Answer e.On seeing Mini, it dawnwd on Kabuliwala that his own daughter at home away in Afghanistan must have grown up like Mini.
Question f. Explain how the narrator helps the Kabuliwala.
Answer f.The narrator helped Kabuliwala by cutting down the expenses of his daughter’s wedding and providing the money to Rahmat so that he can return to his home again.
Question g. What was common to the Kabuliwala and the narrator?
Answer g.Both tha narrator and kabuliwala are doting fathers to their daughters. Both of them also suffer the pangs of separation from their daughters. Kabuliwala got separated from his daughter when he was imprisoned in jail for eight years whereas the narrator was about to be separated from his daughter.