Reference to context of INDIA’S HERO English Literature Class 9 , 10

1.“WONDERFUL” said Mrs. Baruah Remember that it does not have to be a profession…………were eager to speak in front of their classmates” (Reference to context)
Question a. Who is Mrs Baruah? Give her full name. Why does she exclaim “WONDERFUL”?

Answer a.In the story “India’s Hero” Mrs Baruah is a middle school teacher who has been portrayed as an accomplished teacher with a cheerful personality. She encourages class participation in different activities.
She is a strict disciplinarian because at the moment she entered the students has settled down in their seats. She was an emotional person too.
Her full name is Mrs Reeta Baruah.
She has exclaimed WONDERFUL because when she asked about the assignment completion then all the forty hands went up in unison. She has beamed at this moment because she thought that the assignment will be a drudge for her students.

Question b. What assignment did Mrs Baruah give and to whom? What is the strength of the class? How do we know that the children had done their work?

Answer b.Mrs Baruah gave her students an assignment on the topic on “what they would like to be when they grow up”
The strength of the class was forty.
When Mrs Baruah asked about the assignment then all the forty hands went up in unison proving that students had completed their task

Question c. c—What else does the author write at the start of the story which tells us that the students were eager to speak in front of the classmates ? What does their eagerness indicate?

Answer c. At the start of the story the author wrote that an air of thrill and enthusiasm prevailed in the class when Mrs Baruah entered the class. This tells us that the students were eager to speak in front of their classmates.
The eagerness of the students indicates that they were very anxious to read their assignment aloud in front of the class.

Question d. Who was the first speaker ?What did he speak of? Who was his idol?

Answer d.The first speaker was Ajit basu.
He spoke of how he wanted to become the best cricketer in the world.
Sachin Tendulkar was his idol.

Question e. -Name the next two speakers. What did they want to be when they grew up?

Answer e.Gayatri Chhabra and Sanjay Damle were the next two speakers after Ajit Basu.
Gayatri Chhabra wanted to be a social worker like her mother.Sanjay Damle elaborated on the theme of flying an airplane with air and cloud as his terrain.

2.” Clearing his throat …… who led down his life fighting the terrorists in Mumbai in November 2008.” (Reference to context)
Question a. Whom does ‘he’ referred to in the extract? How would you describe him as a student?

Answer a.In the story “India’s Hero” ‘He’ has been referred to Kabeer ; who read in class 8A.
Kabeer is a shy student. He is not accustomed of facing the entire class and speaking out aloud in front of them. He is an emotional and simple boy ; who valued folks like him therefore he prepared his speech from the depth of his heart defining common people having contribution in different field.

Question b. Was he very confident as he stood up to speak before the entire class? what does it tell about Kabeer?

Answer b.No , Kabeer was not very much confident to speak up before his class mates because his hands were shaking and beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead.
This tells us that though Kabeer was not confident but he somehow stood up to speak before his class. He showed maturity and have guts at that moment to speak up to his class mates.

Question c. What did the other children speak about ? How was this speaker speech different from that of the other students?

Answer c. Kabeer’s class mates spoke about professions like that of actors, sport stars and politicians etc.
Kabeer’s speech was different from his friends as it did not focus on a particular person, quality or profession. It was a combination of traits of different people coming from different walks of life-people who had stirred Kabeer’s heart.

Question d. When did major Sandeep Unnikrishnan became a part of NSG? How had he served in the army before he joined the NSG?

Answer d. major Sandeep Unnikrishnan became a part of NSG in January 2007
When he was 31 years older , he served two tenures with his battalion in counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operation.

Question e. Write in your own words the reactions of the students as the speaker spoke about the life of Major Unnikrishnan? What do you think to be the reason for such a reaction?

Answer e. The silence prevailed in the class room of 8A . All the eyes were focussed on Kabeer . The Students were waiting for the next lines of the speech . Three minutes were given to each student and Kabeer spoke only for one minute .
Kabeer’s speech attracted every ear and eye present in the class room. There was a pin drop of silence and the speech created a suspense in the atmosphere of the class room . Kabeer gave a pause after speaking about Major Unnikrishnan. The students were waiting for Kabeer to continue further his speech . This could be the possible reason for such a reaction of the students.

3. “Sandra saved Moshe when Nareeman house was attacked. Both of Moshe’s parents were killed in the attack.
When I grow up I want to be like the caretaker of the Kabristan in Mumbai; who refused to allow the dead terrorists to be buried there. ”
(Reference to context)
Question a. Who was Sandra? How was she associated with Moshe?

Answer a.Sandra Samuel was an Indian nanny.
Sandra Samuel saved the life of two years old Moshe Holtzberg during the November 2008 attack on Nareeman House.

Question b. What does the action of the caretakers of Kabristan tells us about these people? What did they proved by their action?

Answer b.The caretakers of Kabristan refused to allow the dead terrorists to be buried in the Indian soil.
This action of the caretakers tell us that they had a great love for their country and the people living in the country. They proved that the only true religion in the world is love and respect for all human beings.

Question c. What according to Kabeer is the only true religion in this world ? What do you think of him from his speech?

Answer c.According to Kabeer , the only true religion in the world is love and respect for human beings. This tells us the Kabeer was an emotional and simple boy who valued simple folks like himself. He turned out to be the true hero of his class and would surely grow up to be the good citizen of the country.

Question d. What was the reaction of the class when Kabeer’s speech ended? What effect did his speech have on Mrs Baruah?

Answer d. As Kabeer’s speech slowly ended, the class rose as one, applauding and cheering for Kabeer.
Mrs Baruah dabbed a handkerchief to her eyes because tears welled up in her eyes and she was feeling that her students would surely uphold the virtue of peace tolerance and selflessness when they grew up.

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….. Anonymous…..

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