–Sarojini Naidu.
For class 10 level Read at bottom part.
Reference to The Context
(1) What do you sell, O ye Merchants? Richly your wares are displayed.
Q ( a ): Where are the merchants? What are they doing ?
Ans. : The merchants were in the Bazaars of Hyderabad.They were selling costly goods.
Q ( b ): Name the goods on sell in this patricular shop.Describe their colourful appearance.
Ans. : The goods on sale were turban, tunics, mirrors and daggers. The turbans were red and silver colour, tunics were made of shining purple brocade, mirrors were framed with yellow amber and the daggers had handles of jade.
Q ( c ): Give the meaning of mirrors with panels of amber.
Ans. : The mirrors sold by the merchants in the bazaar were framed with a yellow colour stone.
Q ( d ): Who are likely to buy the tunics of purple brocade and daggers with handles of jade?
Ans. : Rich mens of Hyderabad like the Nizams and the noble were to buy these costly items.
(2) What do you sell, O ye Merchants? Richly your wares are displayed.
Q ( a ): How are the flowers used both in happy and sad occasion?
Ans. : The flower girls were selling flowers for both happy and sad occasion. They were making crown and garlands for the marriage ceremony. Chaplets were made to decorate the bed of bridegroom.The flowers girls were also making a sheet of white flower to cover the dead bodies.
Q ( b ): What are the flower girls selling?
Ans. : The flower girls are selling tasstles of blue and red colour flowers, crowns for the bridegroom , chaplets to decorate the bed of the bridegroom and sheets of white flower to cover the dead body
Q ( c ): For what purpose were the crowns chaplets and garlands used?
Ans. : The crowns were used for the brow of a bridegroom, chaplets and garland were used to decorate the bed a bridegroom.
(3) What do you weigh , O ye vendors?
Q ( a ): What items mentioned in the extract are sold by weight and what items are sold by numbers?
Ans. : Saffron , tentil ,rice , sandalwood,henna and spices are sold by weight.Chessmen and ivory dice are sold by number.
Q ( b ): Name two items of entertainment sold there?
Ans. : Chessmen and ivory dice are the two items of entertainment sold in the bazaar
Q ( c ): What are vendors and pedlars
Ans. : Vendors and peddlars referred to the sellers to go about with goods for sale.
(4) What do you make , O ye goldsmiths ?
Q ( a): What type of shop is referred to in the extract?
Ans. : It reffers to the gold shop where gold ornaments are being made.
Q ( b): What do you understand by girdles and scabbards?
Ans. : Girdles are the ornaments worn around the waist by the dancers and scabbards are the sword cases used to keep the sword by the kings
Q ( c): What items made of gold were on sell ?
Ans. : The Goldsmiths are selling wristlet, anklet, rings , girles for dancers, scabbard for the king and bells for the feet of blue pigeons.
Q ( d): What is meant by , ‘Frail as a dragon-fly’s wing.’?
Ans. : The above phrase means that the goldsmith makes small golden bells as delicate as the wing of dragon fly .These bells are used for the feet of blue pigeons.
Q ( e): What items on sale were used by the king, dancers and other people?
Ans. : King used the scabbard made of gold dancers used girdles and wristlet, anklet, ring are purchased by all the rich people.
Question: Make a list of food items and cosmetics items in the extract .
Ans: The food items are lentil, rice, spices and saffron. The cosmetic items are sandalwood, henna and saffron
REFERENCE TO THE CONTEXT OF In the Bazaars of Hyderabad FOR CLASS 10
“What do you sell O ye merchants?……..Daggers with handles of jade.”
a)Where are the merchants?What are they doing? What is meant by”Richly displayed”?
Ans. : The merchants are in the bazaars of Hyderabad with their merchandise displayed extensively in the market.
They are busy in displaying and selling their merchandise.
They have displayed their items of sale mesmerizingly.Their items are mainly attractive and charming in nature.
b)Enumerate the good on sale in this particular shop.Describe their colourful appearance.
Ans. : The items displayed in this particular shop are crimson, silver turban,purple brocade tunics, mirrors framed in amber and daggers of jade.
c)Why does the poet begin the stanza with a question? What does the poet use to describe the scene?
Ans. : The poet began the poem with a question to bring out the splendid quality of the hyderabad bazaar.
The other devices used in the poem are simile, repetition, lyrical poetry, rhyming scheme and imagery.
d)Give the meaning of :
i)Mirrors with panels of amber.
Ans. : Mirrors are framed in amber
ii)Scabbards of gold for the king
Ans. : Sheaths of gold for the kings to keep their swords
e)Who are likely to buy tunics of purple brocade and daggers with handles of jade?
Ans. : The rich people are likely to buy purple brocade tunics and daggers with handles of precious stone jade.
f)Explain which senses are stimulated by the goods displayed in the extract appeal.
Ans. : The senses of sight are stimulated by the goods displayed in the extract because the items like amber,jade, purple colour tunics and the colourful turbans enhance the sightful senses with their rich quality.
“What do you weigh,O ye vendors?…….Chessmen and ivory dice”
a)What are referred to chessmen and Ivory dice?Where are these used?
Ans. : The items of recreation has been referred to as chessmen and ivory dice. they are used in recreation process.
b)What items mentioned in the extract are sold by weight and what items are sold by numbers?
Ans. : The items sold by weight are saffron, lentil, sandalwood and rice.The items sold by numbers are chessmen and ivory dice.
c)Who are referred to as vendors,pedlars and merchants?
Ans. : The people selling saffron, lentil, and rice are referred to as vendor.The people associated with the selling of chessmen and ivory dice are pedlars and people selling elements of gold are referred to as gold.
d)make a list of food items, cosmetic items and items used in recreation in the extract.
Ans. : The list of food items include lentil, saffron and rice.The cosmetic list comprises of sandalwood and henna and the recreation list includes chessmen and ivory dice.
e)How do the items in the extract have an impact on senses of sight and taste of the customers?
Ans. : The Recreation items like chessmen and ivory dice have an effect on the sight of the people.The taste of customers includes the items saffron, rice and lentil.
“What do you make,O ye goldsmiths……..Scabbards of gold for the king.”
a)What type of shop is referred in the extract? what is meant by’girdles of gold’ and’Scabbard of gold’?
Ans. : The goldsmith shop is referred here in the given extract. The merchants are selling the gold girdles for the dancers where they wear it on their waist and the golden scabbards for the king to keep their sword.
b)WHat items are made of gold were on sale? What does the gold jewellery reveal about the status of the owners and of those who wear this jewellery?
Ans. : The items of gold that were on sale were anklets, ring, wristlets, girdles for dancers and scabbards for king’s sword.The golden jewellery which is wore by the rich and the kings are also displayed in the market.
c)Why do you think bells are tied to the feet of blue pigeons? What items on sale were used by king, dancers and other people?
Ans. : The bells are tied to the feet of the blue pigeons because they are as delicate as the dragonfly’s wings. Therefore they are light in weight and can be easily tied to their feet. The kings used the golden scabbard for their sword, the dancers use the golden girdles and other people wearing the anklets, wristlets and the rings.
d)What is meant by:”Frail as a dragon-fly’s wing”? State how apt is the expression frail in the context of the poem?
Ans. : The meaning of the given line is that the bells were as delicate as the wings of dragon fly. The poet wanted to express the delicacy of the bells, therefore, the use of expression frail is perfect in the poem.
e)What do you think that the poet describes the Indian goods at the Indian bazaars?
Ans. : the poet has described the Indian goods at the Indian bazaar because during the British rule British goods were sold in the Indian bazaar instead of Indian manufactured goods.Therefore the poet is trying to glorify the Indian goods so that people boycott the foreign good, ultimately to corporate in Indian independence.
“What do you cry,O ye fruitmen?……..Spells for aeons to come.”
a)Which fruits and musical instruments were displayed in the bazaar?
Ans. : Fruits like citron, pomegranate and plum were displayed by the fruitmen in the bazaar. musical Instruments like Sitar, Sarangi and drum were exhibited by the musicians in the bazaar.
b)What does the poet ask the musicians as well as the magicians?
Ans. : The poet enquires with the musicians that what musical instrument do they play and asks the magicians What spells are they chanting by themselves.
c)Give the meaning of:)Spells for aeons to come.
Ans. : The meaning of the given line is that:the magicians are chanting magical spell to charm all ages to come.
d)How is the whole poem Indian in the context and presentation?
Ans. : The poem ‘In the Bazaars Of Hyderabad’ was penned down during the time when India was under the subjugation of British rule. Since newspapers were banned that time Sarojini Naidu came up with the idea of writing poetry to convey and spread the message of the Indian Independence struggle. Through this poem, the poet is trying to remind the Indians about the variety of good available in the market and pursuing to buy Swadeshi(Indian) goods and boycott foreign goods.
e)Why are the magicians present in the bazaar?
Ans. : The magicians are present in the bazaar to chant spells so that it can bring charm for the ages to come.
f)What in the poem has appealed to you? Give reasons for your opinion.
Ans. : The poem ‘In the Bazaars Of Hyderabad’ is a typical example of folk of the city Hyderabad. The colourful and enchanting description of the Hyderabad bazaar appealed to me to a great extent. The poem is comprehensive of all the divergent elements of a charming Indian traditional bazaar where we can find about the activities of the varied shopkeepers like merchants, goldsmiths, pedlars, vendors, fruitmen, musicians etc. Also, we can find reference to the common mass who are engulfed in the activity of buying the displayed goods. The mesmerizing bazaar has got a panoramic view of the colours, sound, smell and sights of an Indian traditional market. The varied items displayed in the market has a soothing effect on the minds of the readers. Daily used items mainly include cereals, fruits, cosmetics, recreation items and also items of specific uses like bells for the feet of blue pigeons, girdles for dancers and sheaths for the king’s sword. The bazaars also encompassed the merchandise items like crimson, silver turbans, purple brocade etc.
“What do you weave, O ye flower-girls……To perfume the sleep of the dead.”
a)How does the poet highlight the occupation of the simple people in India?
Ans. : Sarojini Naidu’s poems are characterised by the theme of folk. This poem’In the Bazaars Of Hyderabad’ is a typical example of folk of the city Hyderabad. The poetess has vividly elucidated about the mortals and their pursuit of the enchanted city. The occupation of the simple and common mass has been clearly highlighted in a lucid way where the people of the city are especially busy in purchasing and selling their products. There are divergent shop keepers comprising the Hyderabad market that mainly includes merchants, vendors, maidens, pedlars, goldsmiths, fruitmen, magicians etc.
b)How are the flowers used both in happy and sad occasions?
Ans. : In the poem Flowers signify both the happy as well as the sad moments of the life. Regarding the happy moments the flowers are used for making the crown of the brow of the bridegroom and to decorate his nuptial bed whereas in sad moments of life these same flowers are used as garland for the grave of the dead.
c)For what purposes were the crowns, chaplets and garlands used?
Ans. : Crowns are used for the brow of the bridegroom, chaplets are used for decorating his bed and the garlands to place it on the bed of dead to make their graves fragrant with the smell of the flowers. d)What is meant by ‘tassels of azure and red’? What do azure and red signify?
Ans. : The ‘tassels of azure and red’ meant the flower strands of sky-blue or azure and red colour. The colour of azure and red signify the happy moments of life. In this case, the reference of bridegroom’s crown has been used to signify the cheerful juncture. These flowers are used for wedding purpose to make the crown as well as chaplets for decorating purpose.
e)What is the meaning and significance of:’To perfume the sleep of the dead’?
Ans. : The significance of the given line is that the white coloured flowers are used as garlands to be placed on the grave of the dead person which its soothing smell perfumes the dead body or the grave of the person.
Improved version
Reference to The Context
(1) “What do you sell O ye merchants?……..Daggers with handles of jade.”
a)Where are the merchants? What are they doing? What is meant by”Richly displayed”?
Ans: The merchants are in the bazaars of Hyderabad with their merchandise displayed extensively in the market. They are busy in displaying and selling their merchandise. They have displayed their items of sale mesmerizingly. Their items are mainly attractive and charming in nature.
b)Enumerate the good on sale in this particular shop. Describe their colorful appearance.
Ans: The items displayed in this particular shop are crimson, silver turban, purple brocade tunics, mirrors framed in amber and daggers of jade.
c)Why does the poet begin the stanza with a question? What does the poet use to describe the scene?
Ans: The poet began the poem with a question to bring out the splendid quality of the Hyderabad bazaar. The other devices used in the poem are simile, repetition, lyrical poetry, rhyming scheme, and imagery.
d)Give the meaning of :
i)Mirrors with panels of amber.
Ans: Mirrors are framed in amber
ii)Scabbards of gold for the king
Ans:Sheaths of gold for the kings to keep their swords
e)Who are likely to buy tunics of purple brocade and daggers with handles of jade? Ans:The rich people are likely to buy purple brocade tunics and daggers with handles of precious stone jade.
f)Explain which senses are stimulated by the goods displayed in the extract appeal.
Ans: The senses of sight are stimulated by the goods displayed in the extract because the items like amber,jade, purple colour tunics and the colourful turbans enhance the sightful senses with their rich quality.
“What do you weigh, O ye vendors?…….Chessmen and ivory dice”
a)What is referred to as chessmen and Ivory dice? Where are these used?
Ans: The items of recreation has been referred to as chessmen and ivory dice. they are used in the recreation process. b)What items mentioned in the extract are sold by weight and what items are sold by numbers?
Ans: The items sold by weight are saffron, lentil, sandalwood, and rice. The items sold by numbers are chessmen and ivory dice.
c)Who is referred to as vendors, pedlars, and merchants?
Ans: The people selling saffron, lentil, and rice are referred to as a vendor. The people associated with the selling of chessmen and ivory dice are pedlars and people selling elements of gold are referred to as gold.
d) make a list of food items, cosmetic items, and items used in recreation in the extract.
Ans: The list of food items include lentil, saffron, and rice. The cosmetic list comprises of sandalwood and henna and the recreation list includes chessmen and ivory dice.
e)How do the items in the extract have an impact on the senses of sight and taste of the customers?
Ans: The Recreation items like chessmen and ivory dice have an effect on the sight of the people. The taste of customers includes the items saffron, rice, and lentil.
“What do you make, O ye goldsmiths?……..Scabbards of gold for the king.”
a)What type of shop is referred to in the extract? what is meant by’girdles of gold’ and’Scabbard of gold’?
Ans: The goldsmith shop is referred to here in the given extract. The merchants are selling the gold girdles for the dancers where they wear it on their waist and the golden scabbards for the king to keep their sword.
b)What items are made of gold were on sale? What does the gold jewelry reveal about the status of the owners and of those who wear this jewelry?
Ans: The items of gold that were on sale were anklets, ring, wristlets, girdles for dancers and scabbards for the king’s sword. The golden jewelry which is worn by the rich and the kings are also displayed in the market.
c)Why do you think bells are tied to the feet of blue pigeons? What items on sale were used by king, dancers and other people?
Ans: The bells are tied to the feet of the blue pigeons because they are as delicate as the dragonfly’s wings. Therefore they are light in weight and can be easily tied to their feet. The kings used the golden scabbard for their sword, the dancers use the golden girdles and other people wore the anklets, wristlets and the rings.
d)What is meant by:”Frail as a dragon-fly’s wing”? State how apt is the expression frail in the context of the poem?
Ans: The meaning of the given line is that the bells were as delicate as the wings of dragon-fly. The poet wanted to express the delicacy of the bells, therefore, the use of expression frail is perfect in the poem.
e)What do you think that the poet describes the Indian goods at the Indian bazaars?
Ans: the poet has described the Indian goods at the Indian bazaar because during the British rule British goods were sold in the Indian bazaar instead of Indian manufactured goods.Therefore the poet is trying to glorify the Indian goods so that people boycott the foreign good, ultimately to corporate in Indian independence.
“What do you cry, O ye fruitmen?……..Spells for aeons to come.”
a)Which fruits and musical instruments were displayed in the bazaar?
Ans: Fruits like citron, pomegranate and plum were displayed by the fruitmen in the bazaar. musical Instruments like Sitar, Sarangi and drum were exhibited by the musicians in the bazaar.
b)What does the poet ask the musicians as well as the magicians?
Ans: The poet enquires with the musicians that what musical instrument do they play and asks the magicians What spells are they chanting by themselves.
c)Give the meaning of:)Spells for aeons to come.
Ans: The meaning of the given line is that: the magicians are chanting a magical spell to charm all ages to come.
d)How is the whole poem Indian in the context and presentation?
Ans:The poem ‘In the Bazaars Of Hyderabad’ was penned down during the time when India was under subjugation of British rule. Since newspapers were banned that time Sarojini Naidu came up with the idea of writing poetry to convey and spread the message of the Indian Independence struggle. Through this poem, the poet is trying to remind the Indians about the variety of good available in the market and pursuing to buy Swadeshi(Indian) goods and boycott foreign goods.
e)Why are the magicians present in the bazaar?
Ans: The magicians are present in the bazaar to chant spells so that it can bring charm for the ages to come.
f)What in the poem has appealed to you? Give reasons for your opinion
Ans: The poem ‘In the Bazaars Of Hyderabad’ is a typical example of folk of the city Hyderabad. The colourful and enchanting description of the Hyderabad bazaar appealed to me to a great extent. The poem is comprehensive of all the divergent elements of a charming Indian traditional bazaar where we can find about the activities of the varied shopkeepers like merchants, goldsmiths, pedlars, vendors, fruitmen, musicians etc. Also, we can find reference of the common mass who are engulfed in the activity of buying the displayed goods. The mesmerizing bazaar has got a panoramic view of the colours, sound, smell and sights of an Indian traditional market. The varied items displayed in the market has a soothing effect on the minds of the readers. Daily used items mainly include cereals, fruits, cosmetics, recreation items and also items of specific uses like bells for the feet of blue pigeons, girdles for dancers and sheaths for the king’s sword. The bazaars also encompassed the merchandise items like crimson, silver turbans, purple brocade etc.
“What do you weave, O ye flower-girls……To perfume the sleep of the dead.”
a)How does the poet highlight the occupation of the simple people in India?
Ans: Sarojini Naidu’s poems are characterised by theme of folk.This poem’In the Bazaars Of Hyderabad’ is a typical example of folk of the city Hyderabad.The poetess has vividly elucidated about the mortals and their pursuit of the enchanted city. The occupation of the simple and common mass has been clearly highlighted in a lucid way where the people of the city are especially busy in purchasing and selling their products. There are divergent shop keepers comprising the Hyderabad market that mainly includes merchants, vendors, maidens, pedlars, goldsmiths, fruitmen, magicians etc.
b)How are the flowers used both in happy and sad occasions?
Ans: In the poem Flowers signify both the happy as well as the sad moments of life. Regarding the happy moments the flowers are used for making the crown of the brow of the bridegroom and to decorate his nuptial bed whereas in sad moments of life these same flowers are used as garland for the grave of the dead.
c)For what purposes were the crowns, chaplets and garlands used?
Ans: Crowns are used for the brow of the bridegroom, chaplets are used for decorating his bed and the garlands to place it on the bed of dead to make their graves fragrant with the smell of the flowers.
d)What is meant by ‘tassels of azure and red’?What do azure and red signify?
Ans: The ‘tassels of azure and red’ meant the flower strands of sky-blue or azure and red colour. The color of azure and red signify the happy moments of life. In this case, the reference of bridegroom’s crown has been used to signify the cheerful juncture. These flowers are used for wedding purpose to make the crown as well as chaplets for decorating purpose.
e)What is the meaning and significance of:’To perfume the sleep of the dead’?
Ans: The significance of the given line is that the white coloured flowers are used as garlands to be placed on the grave of the dead person which its soothing smell perfumes the dead body or the grave of the person.
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