Subject: SCIENCE
Class V
Full Marks: 80
Time: 2 Hrs.
(Answer all the questions)
1. Name the following………………… (10 x 1=10)
a) The uppermost vertebra
b The largest part of the brain
c) The opening of the eye through which the light enters the eye lens.
d) The tiny buds present on the surface of the tongue
e) The sensory nerve that joins the eye to the brain
f)The gas that is filled in electric tubes to give a bright glow
g) The heavenly body revolving around a planet in space.
h) The first man to go into space
i) People who study earthquakes
The only active volcano in the Indian subcontinent
2. Fill in the blanks: (10 x 1- 10)
a) We can not move our _____________ jaw
b) Muscles are attached to the bones by strong fibres called ____________
c) The lowest two pairs of ribs of ribcage are called _____________
d) The system that controls all other systems of our body is the _____________
e)_____________ air is warmer than _____________ air
f)_____________ permanganet crystals are added to the water of wells for killing germs.
g)Water must be boiled for at least _____________ minutes
h) The craters on the surface of the moon are formed by pieces of rocks called _____________
i) No sound can be heard on the moon as there is no _____________ on the moon.
3. Match the column Idian satellite The firs
a) The hinge joint …………….. ii) skin cancer
b) Cornea …………….. iii) The shoulder joint
c) sense organs ……………..iv) The knee
d) medulla ……………..i) earthquake
e) The ball and socket…………….. v) The circular transparent sein the front portion of the joint eye
f) ultraviolet rays ……………..vi) connects us to the outside world
g) Aryabhatta ……………..vii) Richter scale
h) Kalpana Chawla ……………..viii) Connects the brain to the spinal cord
i)Eathquate ……………..ix) crust
The earth’s upper layer ……………..x)Space travellers
4. Give two examples of each of the following : ……..(5 x 2 = 10)
a) organ system
b) solids that dissolve in water
c) diseases caused by impure water
d) opaque bodies
e) gases present in atmosphere
(Answer all the questions)
5. Answer the following questions: ………..(4 x 2=8)
a) Why do we feel uncomfortable on a humid day?
Write the functions of cerebellum .
c) Why does the moon shine?
d)What is drought?
6. Differentiate between the following (4x 3 = 12)
a) voluntary and involuntary muscles.
b) sensory and motor nerves.
c) solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.
d) filtration and distillation.
7. Answer the following questions:………..(5×4=20)
a) How is our skeleton useful to us?
c) How are man-made satellite useful to mankind
d) Mention the processes involved in the treatment of the town water supple
e) How can you take care of your eyes