Computer Question Paper Class 5 of a School


Question Paper Computer Class 5 ICSE

Subject: Computer
Class V
Full Marks: 80
Time: 2 Hrs.

1. Fill in the blanks: (10 x 1= 10)

a) The _____________ tab displays the text in a slide in Normal view .

b) ____________ is a sequential display of slides in full screen mode.

c) The _____________ box is located on the left of the Formula box.

d) A _____________ of cells implies a group of cells forming a rectangular agea.

e)_____________ view helps to see all the slides of a presentation in miniature form.

f)An _____________ is a specific set of instruction used for carrying out a proudure.

g) _____________ connects one part of the flow chart to another.

h) The speed of a modem is measured in _____________

i) The first webpage that opens when we open a website is called _____________ .

j) The first webpage that opens when we open a website is called _____________ .

2. Write True or False………………… (10 x 1=10)

a) Downloading means transfering files from your computer to a server

b Mozilla Firefox is an Internet explorer.

c) Facebook is a social networking site.

d) The direction of a flow chart should be from right to left.

e)Diamond symbols is used to indicate the decision making step.

f)Once a worksheet is added to a workbook, it cannot be deleted.

g) The statusbar displays the inaformation about a selected command in progress.

h)Ctrl+Pis used to select the whole worksheet.

i)MSExcel is a part of Microsoft Office software package

j)Editing a worksheet means modifying, altering or deleting its contents

3. Match the following:………………… (5 x 1=5)

a) F5
b) Ctrl+A
c) Ctrlkey
d) Ctri+sS
e) Internet service

i) To save a workbook
ii)To select the entire text
ii) Online banking
iv) Selecting non adjacent cell begining
v)Run the slide show from the

4.Correct the wrong statements : ………..(3 x 1=3)

a) Home button reloads a fresh copy of the webpage you are working on.

Forward button is used to go back to the previous webpage .

c)Process box is cirsular in shape

5. Write the full form of the following : ……..(5 x 1 = 5)


b) b) URL

c) c) IRTF

d) d) MODEM

e) e) HTML

6. Draw and label the MS Excel:2010 window. (7)

7. Answer the following : (5 x 1 = 5)

a) Write the advantage of the spread sheet program. ……….(5)

b) Write the steps to view presentation in slide Show. ……….(5)

c) What is the difference between a flow chart and an algorithm? Write any three rules to be followed , while making a flow chart.……….(5)

d) What is e-mail? Write its advantages. ……….(5)

e) What is search engine? Give four examples.……….(5)

f) Draw flow chart: ……….(3+3=6) i)i) To compare two numbers 15 and 30 and print the greater number. ii) to make a phone call.

g) Define web browser ? Give examples.……….(5)

h) What is MS Excel ? Define a worksheet and a work book.……….((2+2-4))

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