For types of pronoun e. g.personal pronoun and its details are listed at the bottom. This list can help get an idea for filling this worksheet.
Question -Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns. a). _________am ready to go. b). _________ is sita’s sister . c). Will you like _________. d)._________ are children. e). Where are _________ going. f). When the dog saw the girl _________ began to bark. |
g. _________ love to go to see films.
h. Jack invited many people to the program _________ wanted them to see the program .
I._________ is a pretty girl.
j. Lion is a wild animals _________ likes to hunt.
Personal Pronouns:
1.First Prsonal-The person who is speaking- I, we, us , mine, ours etc.
2. Second Person-The person spoken to-you, yours etc.
3. Third person- The person or things about whom/which is spoken to. – he, she, it, him, here, his, theirs etc.