Month: January 2014
Type of Sentence Learning for class 3
This article is for getting idea about four type of sentences e.g. Interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentence for class 3. By going through all these sentences already made here the student can identify the type of sentence and he will be able to make four type of sentences with each word. He will have full…
Question Answer of River Chapter Class 3 Geography
This has become a very much problem for many guardians that the teacher of the many schools are checking the copy carelessly and not writing the answer of the questions properly. Maximum answer does not remain “to the point”. Question1-why is the slope of the land important for rivers and streams to flow?Answer- water always flows…
Answers of The Restless Earth : Volcanoes
Question1: Write a short paragraph to explain how volcano is similar to a pressure cooker?Answer: We know when steam inside a pressure cooker reaches at a certain pressure limit, it ecapes through the opening of the pressure cooker.Similarly when mixture of hot gases and magma sometime reach at certain pressure limit, They are forced to…