Month: September 2017
If area of a square is equal to the area of a rectangle. Is perimeter be equal also?
Equal area of square and rectangle will never have equal perimeter. This can be illustrated with formula and with a an example. Let side of a square be x. Let the length and breadth of a rectangle be l and b whose area is equal to the area of the square. I am taking few…
Essay on A Visit to a Park in Hindi
पार्क एक ऐसी जगह है जहां हम आनंद ले सकते हैं और अपने परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ अच्छा समय बिता सकते हैं। मैं वसंत के महीने में अपने परिवार के साथ एक पार्क का दौरा किया । यह मेरे लिए बहुत मजेदार दिन था । उत्तोलक पर और उसके आस पास खेलने मे बहुत…
The Arrow and The Song English Literature for Class 5
Question:1.What are the things that poet sent into the air? Answers: 1. The poet sent an arrow and a song into the air. Question:2.Is there ay way of finding out where a song goes? Answers: 2. No, None has so keen and strong sight that can follow the flight of song. But if someone else…
My Brother Essay in Hindi For Class 4
मेरा एक भाई है। वह बहुत शरारती है। वह मेरी सेवा करता है, और मेरे लिए फ़िक्रमंद भी रहता है । वह मुझे बहुत प्यार करता है। हम एक-दूसरे के साथ बहुत खेलते हैं। वह हमेशा अध्ययन में मेरी मदद करता है। जब भी मैं उसकी अनुमति के बिना उसके सामान को छूता हूं तो…
Answer 2nd Part Parables from the Bible English Literature Class 5
Question answer 2nd Part Parables from the Bible English Literature Class 5 Question:1.How did the younger son behave when he realised that he had made a bad mist? Answers: 1.When the younger son realised that he had made a mistake, he thought of going back to his father and apologising for the mistake he had…
Answer of “Parables from the Bible” English Literature Class 5
Complete the sentences: Answer 1. The priest and the Levite pass the man who was badly hurt, without stopping because he has no mercy for the injured man. Answer 2. According to the parable, a neighbour is a person ; who lived very close to a person, take pity on the others and help them…
Answer of STORY OF PRAHLADA English Literature Class 4
QUESTION ANSWER of “The story of Prahlada” Question 1. Who was Hiranyakashipu? Answer 1. Hiranyakashipu was the king of daityas. Question 2. Who was Prahlada’s father? Answer 2. Hiranyakashipu was Prahlada’s father.. Question 3. Why was Hiranyakashipu troubled. Answer 3. Little Prahlada was a very religious child. He seemed to have inborn ideas about worship…
Two Minutes Speech on Rising anger in Youth | युवाओ मे बढता आक्रोश
Speech on Rising anger in Youth | युवाओ मे बढता आक्रोशयुवाओं में आसमान छूने वाली प्रतिभा और अत्यधिक छ्मता होती है। और यदि उन्हे सही समय अवशर नही मिला तो उनमे आक्रोश होना बहुत स्वाभाविक है। आज का युवा क्या चाहता है। उसका दो उद्देश्य हमे नज़र आता है। एक तो वह की जब पढ़ाई…
Answer of “Fight Manju Fight” English Literature Class 5
Question 1. Manju wanted to paint. What were the problem she faced? Answer 1. Manju wanted to paint but she had malformed fingers, two on each hand. She also had the problem because of the cost of the materials she would need. Question 2. Did her family encouraged her? Who do you think was most…