Question Answer of ‘My Brother My Brother’ | English Literature

By Norah Burke [ 1905-1983]

Question 1:Why was Sher Singh’s father given the title of “Bahadur “?
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Question 2: Sher Singh’s mother did not weep even though her child was ailing? What is the narrator trying to tell the reader by saying this?

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Question 3:Where was Sher Singh’s father on that night?
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Question 4 : Why did the mother feel that Sher Singh would never go to the hospital?

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Question 5: What were the dangers that Sher Singh was scared of ?
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Question 6: How do you think Sher Singh felt when he heard these words of the doctor “your brother is Clive “?

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Question 7: Whom did Sher Singh encountered first in the jungle? What did he do then ?
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Question 8: what sight did Sher Singh see when he came to the banks of the second river?
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Question 9: how did Sher Singh reached the hospital ?
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Answer starts below:

Answer 1: Sher Singh father was given the title of “Bahadur” the brave because he was a famous and brave hunter and whenever an expedition entered the jungle in search of big game either to shoot or photography them, they sent for him. Moreover all along his skull and back shoulder went a scar where claws had opened his flesh to the bone when he was pulling a comrade away from a tiger

Answer 2: Sher Singh’s mother did not weep even though her child was ailing because there had been other children whom she had lost through cholera and influenza before. The author is trying to tell the reader that Sher Singh’s mother was now too strong to bear any kind of pain even if it was a loss of her own son as because this incident hyyuuuyyhy6ad occurred before.

Answer 3: Sher Singh’s father on that night was away in the jungle along with the other men of laldwani village as beaters with a photographic expedition.

Answer 4: Sher Singh’s mother felt that Sher Singh would never get to the hospital at Kalaghat; which was eight kilometer away from their village, because Sher Singh himself was a small boy of twelve years old and carrying his younger brother Kunwar on his back to all the way to the hospital was just an impossible task to be performed by Sher Singh.

Answer 5: The danger that Sher Singh was scared of primeval forest with its animals like the monkeys, the peacocks, tigers, panthers, bears and elephants.
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Answer 6: When Sher Singh heart the doctor saying that `his brother would live` Sher Singh must be extremely delighted for his mother whom he could make happy by performing the impossible task of saving his ailing brother’s life and also proud of himself for keeping up his father’s name and acting with responsibilities during his absence.

Answer 7: In the jungle, Sher Singh first encountered a herd of elephant which was coming towards him and his brother. Sher Singh was chilled with fright and since he could neither climb nor run with Kunwar, he started praying on and on till the herd of elephant disappeared into the forest.


Answer 8:When Sher Singh came to the bank of the second river, he saw a big head of snow which must have melted the previous day as a result of which the river flooded and was flowing with great philosophy. The bridge was submerged and only a fierce crest of water was visible. The boulders were moving and the branches were caught against the bridge. Finally a tree churned and crashed against drowned bridge flowing up its bamboo ribs like a fan.


Answer 9: After swimming through the two flooded rivers, Sher Singh somehow managed to reach a shore safely. Then he started walking and when his knees gave away he started crawling till he somehow reached the road. Finally he heard the yap of pi-dogs and then he came across people. From there he travel in a bullock cart and then a truck dropped them to the hospital at Kalaghat.

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