State How the story ‘Hunger’ by Nasira Sharma brings out the socio-economic Inequality between the Have and Have-Nots

State how the story hunger written by nasira Sharma drinks out the socio economic inequality between the have and the have nots question mark what do you think is the reason for the huge economic disturbances between these two classes in the developing country. By Nasira Sharma

The story ‘Hunger’ is a criticism on the economic imbalance in the society. Here the author Nasira Sharma has brought out a difference between ‘have’ and ‘have nots’ during the Iranian revolution.

After the Islamic revolution in Iran and the setting up of republican government, there was a huge economic disturbances. Various instances given in the story reveals about these social differences.

First the story is introducing a Marketplace where a young educated man Rizwan is selling cold drinks. It is a crowded place and people are buying things lavishly. A rag seller Qasim is also found approaching to the place for selling the warm clothes. Though Rizwan is educated but he is facing unemployment and poverty problem. With some tips of Management, he finds a job for himself in the Kihaan newspaper.

He has been asked to submit 5 interviews of different professionals without passing any greetings to get confirm his appointment in the company. The interview will be published in the newspaper.

Kasim was his first interviewee. This man starts interviewing Qasim. Qasim answered as he was asked by Rizwan one by one. Through the interview, we also came to know about the typical condition of Qasim and his family; who survived with 500 rupees per month. References were also given about the new government and its policies; which was criticized by Qasim as a betrayal of government. Therefore it proved that the lower class people were not happy at all and they were suffering with acute poverty. This group of people were illiterate class.

Youth like Rizwan was also undergoing same problem. His father left him few years ago and his two brothers were fallen off from the school. Rizwan’s mother was also sick and all these things he had to shoulder all alone. Due to his poverty, he is not able to improve his conditions. Where as the elegant class of people made no difference in their lifestyle. They do not bother about their neighbour’s conditions. Therefore it is a strong condemnation upon socioeconomic inequality, as well as literal unemployment and starvation. class=’shadow’ alt=’ ‘

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