“One of these Days” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a short story written using the technique of magic realism Question. This chapter is present in the syllabus of Group A English (ENG A) of WBCHSE.
Question 1: When was Gabriel Garcia Marquez the Newstadlt International prize for Literature?
Ans: Gabriel Garcia Marquez was awarded the Newstadlt International prize for Literature in the year 1972.
Question 2: In which years was he awarded the Nobel Prize?
Ans: Gabriel was awarded the Nobel Prize in the year 1982.
Question 3: What is Marquez’s most notable contribution?
Ans: Marquez’s most notable contribution is making popular the use of the literary style called magic realism by which magical elements and events are used in usually ordinary and realistic situations.
Question 4: How did the dentist look like?
Ans: The dentist Aurelio Escovar used to wear a collarless striped shirt, closed at the neck with golden stud, pants held up by suspenders. He was erect and skinny with a look that rarely corresponded to the situation, the way deaf people look.
Question 5: What did the dentist do after opening the office?
Ans: Aurelio Escovar took some false teeth still mounted in their plaster mould, out of the glass case and put on the table a fistful of instruments which he arranged in size order as if they were on the display.
Question 6: At what time did the dentist stop working for a while?
Ans: At 8 o’clock the dentist stopped working for a while to look at the sky.
Question 7: What did he see as he looked out through the window?
Ans: As the dentist looked out through the window, he could see two pencil buzzards drawing themselves in the sun on the ridge pole of the house next door.
Question 8: From where did the dentist take out his revolver and why?
Ans: The dentist took out his revolver from the lower drawer. The dentist took out his revolver as the mayor threatened the dentist that he would shoot him.
Question 9: How did the mayor look like as he appeared on the door?
Ans: The mayor had five struggled nights. His eyes were dull and he had shaved the left side of his face but the other side was swollen due to pain.
Question 10: Why was the tooth to be extracted without anaesthesia?
Ans: The tooth was to be extracted without anaesthesia because the mayor had an abscess.
Question 11: Which tooth of the Mayor was infected?
Ans: The lower wisdom tooth of the Mayor was infected.
Question 12: As the dentist grasped the tooth with hot forceps, what did the mayor do?
Ans: As the dentist grassed the tooth with a hot forceps, the mayor seized the arms of the chair, braced his feet with all his strength and felt and an icy
void in his kidneys but did not make a sound.
Question 13: As the dentist moved his wrist, how did the mayor feel?
Ans: As the dentist moved his wrists, the mayor felt the crunch of bones in his eyes and his eyes were filled with tears.
Question 14: After the truth was extracted, what did the mayor see in the ceiling of the chamber?
Ans: After the tooth was extracted, the mayor saw the crumbling ceiling and a dusty spider web with spider’s egg and dead insects.
Question 15: What instruction did the dentist give to the mayor before he did goodbye?
Ans: The dentist instructed the mayor to go to bed and gargle with hot water before bidding him goodbye.
Question 16: How did the mayor leave the Chamber of the dentist?
Ans: The mayor felt the dentist chamber with a casual military salute and walked towards the door without buttoning up his tunic. He told the dentist to send the bill.